Earl “Hymie” Weiss
This post
is sort of a follow-up to yesterday’s post about the attempted assassination of
John Torrio by elements of the Dean O’Banion mob during Chicago’s bloodiest
years. This date, January, 25, 1898, was the birthday of O’Banion’s closest
friend and most bloodthirsty avenger, Earl “Hymie” Weiss.
Earl “Hymie”
his brief period of power on Chicago’s North Side, Dean O’Banion gained a
reputation as a reckless, dangerous and eccentric gangster – and a man not to
cross. But O’Banion surrounded himself with men who were just as eccentric as
he was. Perhaps one of the most colorful was Earl Wojciechowski, the son of a
Polish immigrant who was better known as Earl “Hymie” Weiss. Hymie coined a
term that would become one of gangland Chicago’s best-known traditions when he
murdered a fellow gangster named Stephen Wisniewski in 1921 – the “one-way
ride.” After Wisniewski hijacked some of O’Banion booze, Weiss was tasked with
teaching him a lesson. He took the gangster for a ride along Lake Michigan and
somewhere along the way, Wisniewski was murdered and his body dumped on the
roadside. Afterwards, Weiss was said to have bragged, “We took Stevie for a
ride, a one-way ride!”
was born on January 25, 1898, the son of Walenty and Mary Wojciechowski, who
Americanized their names to William and Mary Weiss. He had two brothers, Bruno
and Frederick and a sister named Violet. Two other siblings died as children
and Weiss’ parents separated while he was still young. Weiss began his criminal
career as an “auto pirate,” stealing cars and cutting them up for their parts.
In May 1919, after two stolen cars were found at 128 North Cicero, police
captured Weiss, along with James Fleming and Alfred Marlowe, as they drove up
in a third stolen car. They had been chopping up the cars at 317 North Avers,
where they kept tools to dismantle car chassis, strip them for parts and then
sell the stolen license plates. Weiss later became friends with O’Banion and
the two of them went into the burglary and safecracking business.
O’Banion, Weiss attended Holy Name Cathedral and always wore a crucifix around
his neck and kept a rosary in his pocket. Thin and wiry with coarse, dark hair,
hot black eyes and a notoriously short temper, he was easily the smartest
member of the gang and the most arrogant. Many people told stories of his
kindness but those who disliked him shuddered in fear at his very presence
(Rumor had it that he was one of the only men whom Al Capone feared). Weiss’
frequent mood swings may have been caused by the fact that he suffered from
severe migraines. A sofa was installed for him in an upstairs office at
Schofield’s flower shop (the North Side gang’s headquarters) and he would
sometimes lay there for hours, wracked with pain and completely immobilized in
the darkness.
feeling well, Weiss was described as “generous to a fault.” Like O’Banion, he
often helped out poor people in the neighborhood, contributing food and money
to those who fell short on their grocery bills. He not only paid all of his
parents’ food bills and expenses, but he took care of their friends and
neighbors, as well. Once while staying overnight with the family of a fellow
gangster, he heard a noise in the kitchen and went in to find his friend’s son
trying to get into a cookie jar on the kitchen counter. Weiss laughed and
lifted the boy up so that he could snag a snack, a welcome favor that the child
would remember many years later as an adult. Weiss made many friends growing up
and a number of his classmates from St. Malachy’s School, which he attended as
a child, were honorary pallbearers at his funeral. He shared an apartment with
a Ziegfeld Follies showgirl named Josephine Libby, who called him “one of the
finest men in the world.”
Weiss, like so many other gangsters of his era, had a dark side. On election
days, he worked hard for whatever political party he had been hired to support,
clubbing his way from polling place to polling place with a revolver. He seemed
to relish beating up election officials while his thugs stole the ballot boxes.
One example of his fiery temper occurred in June 1921 when he shot his brother.
Fred had just returned from France after completing his military service and
made an unwise comment to his brother about the fact that he had failed to
serve his country. Earl whipped out a gun and shot him. The Weiss family tried
to cover up the incident and Fred pleaded with his doctor at Washington
Boulevard Hospital not to tell the police. Everyone claimed it was an accident.
The truth of what really happened did not come out until after Earl’s death,
when Fred finally admitted that his brother shot him.
the assassination of Dean O’Banion, Hymie Weiss became a man motivated by
revenge. After O’Banion’s death, he became the head of the North Side gang that
O’Banion had founded. However, Weiss seemed less interested in making money and
more concerned with wrecking the operations of Capone and his allies – and
wiping them out. Weiss and his men had wounded John Torrio and caused him to
flee Chicago. They had attacked Capone twice, killed Angelo Genna, and wounded
and murdered dozens of enemy gunmen.
Capone retaliated next. He marked Weiss and fellow gang member Vincent Drucci
for death and assigned gunman Louis Barko to carry out the murders on August
10, 1926. The event became known as the “Battle of Michigan Avenue.”
had a suite at the Congress Hotel, four blocks north of the Standard Oil
Building at Ninth Street and Michigan Avenue. On the morning of August 10,
following a late breakfast in Drucci’s eighth floor suite, Weiss and Drucci
walked toward the Standard Oil Building, where they were supposed to meet with
Morris Eller, a Sanitary District Trustee, and John Sbarbaro, owner of
gangland’s favorite funeral home. Eller was the mobbed-up boss of the Twentieth
Ward and a cheap racketeer who offered a presentable face as a politician. Drucci
was carrying $13,500 in cash in his pockets, which was allegedly a down payment
on a piece of real estate, but was more likely bribe money for the North Side
gang’s Twentieth Ward sponsors.
Drucci and Weiss were about to pass through doors of the building, Louis Barko
and three other men jumped out of a car on the east side of Michigan Avenue and
opened fire on them. Windows shattered and bullets chipped the stone walls as
Drucci scrambled for cover behind parked cars. Weiss managed to get into the
lobby of the building, shaken but unhurt.
pulled out his own gun and returned fire before jumping onto the running board
of an automobile driven by C.C. Bassett, a startled motorist who had been
trapped in the crossfire. Drucci’s escape was interrupted by the arrival of the
police, who dragged him off the car. The attackers ran back to their car and
when one of them fell behind, the others drove off without him. The affair
turned out to be bloodless and it was over in less than two minutes. The police
officers on the scene recognized Barko as one of Capone’s gunmen and assumed
this was an attempted mob hit. However, Drucci denied it. When questioned by
the police at the South Clark Street station, he claimed that he didn’t know
Barko and dismissed the whole thing as an attempted robbery. “It was a
stick-up, that’s all,” he told the cops. “They were after my roll.” Hymie
Weiss’ mother posted the necessary bond and freed her son’s friend from behind
luck continued five days later. On August 15, Drucci and Weiss were driving
south on Michigan Avenue and as they passed the Standard Oil Building, a car
that had been trailing close behind them suddenly raced ahead, swerved to the
right and rammed them. The men in the other car opened fire and bullets smashed
all of their windows. Drucci and Weiss ducked down and scrambled out of the
passenger side of the sedan. As they ran for the shelter of the closest
building, they fired back over their shoulders with their own handguns.
Miraculously, once again, no innocent bystanders were killed in the attack. As
bullets slammed into the attacker’s car, they roared away down Michigan Avenue.
It was
incidents like this that caused Charles “Lucky” Luciano, after visiting
Chicago, to remark, “It’s a real goddamn crazy place! Nobody’s safe in the
after, Weiss and George Moran led a hasty assault on the Four Deuces at 2222
South Wabash. Capone somehow escaped unhurt but his driver, Tony Ross, died
behind the wheel.
A week
later, on September 20, 1926, Weiss pulled one of his craziest stunts yet. He
sent a caravan of automobiles, each carrying a trio of machine gunners, to
Capone’s Cicero headquarters, the Hawthorne Inn. Hundreds of bullets shattered
the front of the hotel, but no one was killed.
October 4, Capone made a curious move. It was one that would have pleased his
old mentor John Torrio, but was uncharacteristic of the more hot-headed Capone:
he proposed a peace talk. Weiss agreed to a meeting at the Morrison Hotel, but
Capone himself did not attend. He sent Tony Lombardo in his place and, to
placate his enemy, he authorized Lombardo to offer Weiss exclusive sales rights
to all of the beer territory in Chicago north of Madison Street, an
outrageously handsome concession.
Weiss wouldn’t have it. His thirst for revenge overrode his business interests.
The only price that he would accept for peace was the deaths of the men
responsible for O’Banion’s murder. Lombardo telephoned Capone for instructions.
When he gave Capone’s answer – “I wouldn’t do that to a yellow dog” --- Weiss
stormed out of the hotel in a fury.
realized that there was no negotiating with Weiss. With this realization, the
man’s days were numbered. Weiss had been a thorn in his side for too long.
11, 1926 was a day like any other in downtown Chicago. Workday crowds and
shoppers shuffled up and down the pavement and automobiles moved back and forth
on the busy streets. Across State Street from Holy Name Cathedral, at 738 North
State Street, was the old flower shop that had been run by Dion O’Banion, and
now operated solely by John Schofield. Hymie Weiss continued to maintain an
office on the second floor.
One of the buildings used by Weiss’
assassins -- the window of the apartment where the shooters waited is marked
with a white “X” in the photograph.
door, at 740 North State Street, was a three-story rooming house that was kept
by Mrs. Anna Rotariu. Early in October, a young man who called himself Oscar
Lundin, or Langdon, rented rooms from Mrs. Rotariu. He wanted a room on the
second floor, facing State Street, but all of the front rooms were occupied so
he agreed to take one in the rear until something in front opened up, as one
did on October 8. It was a small, rather dismal room furnished only with two
straight-backed wooden chairs, an old oak dresser, a brass bed, a tin food
locker, a gas ring and a shelf that held a few mismatched cups, cracked plates
and tarnished cutlery. In spite of this, Lundin appeared to be delighted with
the room.
On the
same day that Lundin moved into his new quarters, a pretty blond woman, who
gave her name as Mrs. Theodore Schultz of Mitchell, South Dakota, rented a
front room on the third floor of an apartment building at 1 Superior Street,
which ran at a right angle to State Street, south of the flower shop. Lundin’s
windows offered an unobstructed view of the east side of State Street from Holy
Name Cathedral to the corner, while Mrs. Schulz’s windows overlooked both the
front and rear entrances of the flower shop. Anyone approaching or leaving the
immediate area in any direction had to pass within range of one or the other ‘s
occupied his new room for only one day. After paying a week’s rent in advance,
he vanished. Two men, who had visited him during his short stay, moved into the
room. Mrs. Rotariu described them as an older man who wore a gray overcoat and
fedora, and a younger man who wore a dark suit and light cap. Mrs. Schultz of
Mitchell, South Dakota, also vanished after paying a weeks’ rent. Two men also
moved into her room. The landlord later said that they looked like Italians.
Early October, Hymie Weiss was attending the murder trial of Joe Saltis and
Lefty Koncil, two former Capone allies that had defected to Weiss and the
O’Banion gang.
Early October, Hymie Weiss was attending the murder trial of Joe Saltis and
Lefty Koncil, two former Capone allies that had defected to Weiss and the
O’Banion gang.
that week in early October, Hymie Weiss spent most of his time at the Criminal
Courts Building, four blocks from his headquarters above the flower shop. He
was watching the jury selection in the trial of Joe Saltis and Lefty Koncil for
the murder of Mitters Foley. The trial held special interest for Weiss, as
evidenced by the list of officials and witnesses that was later found in his
office safe. These documents would give substance to the rumor that he had paid
out more than $100,000 to guarantee an acquittal in the case.
court recessed for the day on October 11, Weiss left the building with four
friends – his driver Sam Peller, a bodyguard and part-time beer runner, Patrick
“Paddy” Murray, a Twentieth Ward politician and private investigator named
Benny Jacobs, and William O’Brien, one of Chicago’s top criminal attorneys, who
was leading the Saltis-Koncil defense team.
about 4:00 p.m., Peller parked Weiss’ Cadillac coupe in front of Holy Name
Cathedral, across from the flower shop, and the five men started across State
Street. The two men in Mrs. Rotariu’s rooming house had been waiting for two
days with their chairs drawn up to the windows, guns in hand. Dozens of
cigarette butts littered the floor. The two men in the side-street apartment
had also been keeping watch since October 9, smoking and drinking wine, but now
saw they were no longer needed. As they hurried out of the apartment, they left
behind a shotgun and two bottles of wine.
As the
five men reached the center of the street, the deafening sound of rattling
Tommy guns pierced the air. Pedestrians scattered as bullets poured out of the
windows of the rooming house. Weiss died instantly but Patrick Murray was hit
ten times and survived long enough to be pronounced dead at Henrotin Hospital
without regaining consciousness. Peller, hit fifteen times, fell dead in the
Patrick “Paddy”
Murray in repose
Sam Peller’s Body is taken away by the police |
with bullets in his arm, thigh and abdomen, dragged himself to the curb. The
first policeman on the scene found him begging people in the growing crowd to
take him to a doctor. Jacobs was hit once in the leg, and managed to drag
himself to safety. The bullets that killed Hymie Weiss tore away portions of
the inscription on the church's cornerstone and left bullet holes as a graphic
reminder of the event. The church tried to have them removed years later but
the chips and marks remain. They can still be seen on the corner of the
cathedral today.
the assassins fled their third-floor lair, ran down a back staircase, exited
the building through a ground-floor window into an alley and disappeared into
the crowd. A discarded Tommy gun was found atop a dog kennel in an alley off
Dearborn Street but it couldn't be traced back to the killers. On a bed in the
rented room the police found a fedora with a label a label from a store in
Cicero near the Hawthorne Inn. No record of the owner was ever found.
one has to wonder how hard the police actually looked for it. Chief Morgan
Collins issued a gruff statement: "I don't want to encourage the business,
but if somebody has to be killed, it's a good thing the gangsters are murdering
themselves off. It saves trouble for the police.”
gruesome photograph of Hymie Weiss in the Morgue.
Weiss was being prepared for burial at the Sbarbaro Funeral Home, Capone was
holding a press conference at the Hawthorne Inn. “That was butchery,” he
lamented over the course of several interviews as he handed out drinks and
cigars to the reporters. “Hymie was a good kid. He could have got out long ago,
taken his and been alive today. When we were in business together in the old
days, I got to know him well and used to go often to his room for a friendly
visit. Torrio and me made Weiss and O’Banion. When they broke away and went
into business for themselves, that was all right with us… But then they began
to get nasty. We sent ‘em word to stay in their own backyard. But they had the
swelled heads and thought they were bigger than we were. Then O’Banion got
killed. Right after Torrio was shot – and Torrio knew who shot him – I had a
talk with Weiss. ‘What do you want to do, get yourself killed before you’re
thirty?’ I said to him. ‘You better get yourself some sense while there are a
few of us left alive.’ He could still have got along with me. But he wouldn’t
listen to me. Forty times I tried to arrange things so we’d have peace and life
would be worth living. Who wants to be tagged around night and day by guards? I
don’t, for one. There was, and there is, plenty of business for us all and
competition needn’t be a matter of murder, anyway. But Weiss couldn’t be told
anything. I suppose you couldn’t have told him a week ago that he’d be dead
today. There are some reasonable fellows in his outfit, and if they want peace
I’m for it now, as I have always been.”
One of
the reporters asked if Al had any idea who might have killed Hymie Weiss. He
shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry Hymie was killed, but I didn’t have anything
to do with it. I phoned the detective bureau that I’d come in if they wanted
me, but they told me they didn’t want me. I knew I’d be blamed for it. There’s
enough business for all of us without killing each other like animals in the
street. I don’t want to end up in a gutter punctured by machine gun slugs, so
why should I kill Weiss?”
question brought a grunt of disgust from Chief of Detectives Shoemaker when he
read the interview in the newspaper. He had his own statement for reporters,
one much more succinct than Capone’s. “He knows why,” Shoemaker said, “and so
does everyone else. He had them killed.”
Collins agreed. When he was asked why Capone was not arrested for the crime, he
replied: “It’s a waste of time to arrest him. He’s been in before on other
murder charges. He always has his alibi.”
Weiss’ funeral was a sad affair, not only for his friends, but in comparison to
other gangster funerals. A group of his boyhood classmates from St. Malachy’s
School served as his pallbearers and with the last rites of the church denied
to him, he was buried in unconsecrated ground at Mt. Carmel Cemetery, not far
from the resting place of his friend, Dion O’Banion. The floral tributes fell
far below the usual gangland standards and the only underworld figures in
attendance were Vincent Drucci and George Moran, who now ran what would be the
doomed gang together.