On this
date, March 14, 1960, the bodies of three women from the Chicago suburbs were
discovered in St. Louis Canyon, one of the many natural wonders at Starved Rock
State Park, near Utica, Illinois. The crime shocked northern Illinois and led
to a manhunt that snared a confessed killer who has been in prison ever since.
It is one of the most shocking stories to ever occur in this otherwise peaceful
But no
one can say that Starved Rock does not have a violent and bloody past. The park
takes its name from a rock fortress on the Illinois River, where a band of
Illiniwek Indians were besieged in the seventeenth century. As their numbers
decreased from starvation, desperate warriors attempted to escape, only to be
slaughtered in the surrounding forests.
March 1960, the violence of the past returned to Starved Rock with the
discovery of the bludgeoned bodies of three women from Riverside, Illinois. The
land around high stone fortress had been turned into state park years before
and on March 14, the women’s bloody corpses were found in one of the park’s
fabulous box canyons.
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The three women from the Chicago suburbs, Mildred
Lindquist, Lillian Oetting and Frances Murphy, who hiked to their fate in
Starved Rock’s St. Louis Canyon.
three middle-aged women, Mildred Lindquist, Lillian Oetting and Frances Murphy,
had driven from their upscale homes in the Chicago suburbs for a four-day
holiday at Starved Rock Park. The three friends, who all attended the Riverside
Presbyterian Church, had been anxious for an outing together. Oetting, who had
spent the entire winter nursing her husband after a heart attack, was
especially looking forward to several days of hiking, bird watching, and
spending time outdoors. Employees at the park’s lodge would later remember the
arrival of the three ladies. Frances Murphy had parked her gray station wagon
in the inn’s parking area and she and her friends had unloaded their few pieces
of luggage. They registered for two rooms, dropped off their bags and then ate
lunch in the dining room. Afterward, they remarked to one of the staff members
that it was a beautiful day for a hike and they left carrying a camera and a
small pair of binoculars.
women walked away from the lodge wearing rubber galoshes. The path was covered
with a light snow and they trudged and slipped along, pausing occasionally to
take photographs of one another. Eventually, they came to the dead end of St.
Louis Canyon, where steep rocky walls framed a majestic, frozen waterfall. The
three women were only one mile from the lodge. Lillian Oetting struggled with
the controls of her friend’s camera and snapped several color slides of the
canyon. When she was finished, the group turned to leave --- and they walked
into a horror that stunned the entire nation.
first sign that something was wrong occurred that evening when George Oetting
tried to telephone his wife at the lodge. She had promised to call him but when
she had not, Oetting placed his own call. He was told by staff on duty at the
desk that his wife was not available. It was surmised that the ladies had gone
out somewhere and the staff member suggested that she would call in the
morning. Unconcerned, Oetting went to bed.
Tuesday morning, he called the lodge again and once more, asked to speak to his
wife. The employee who answered mistakenly told the worried man that the three
women had been seen at breakfast and were simply out of the lodge at that time.
Reassured, Oetting ended the call.
night, a late winter storm hit the Illinois Valley. In St. Louis Canyon,
several inches of snow covered up footprints, blood stains and other vital
pieces of information around three cold and still bodies. The near-blizzard
conditions continued all night long, making the roads in the park nearly impassable.
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St. Louis Canyon in the warm weather months.
In March 1960, the water was frozen and an early spring snow blanketed the
Oetting telephoned the lodge again on Wednesday morning but his wife and her
friends could still not be located. At his insistence, employees entered the
women’s rooms and found that the beds and bags were untouched. A quick check of
the parking lot also showed that the Murphy station wagon had not been moved.
Shocked, Oetting realized that his wife and her friends had now been missing
for more than forty hours.
soon as Oetting broke off the call, he telephoned his longtime friend, Virgil
W. Peterson, the operating director of the Chicago Crime Commission. When
Peterson learned of the news, he contacted the state police and other law
enforcement agencies in the area. Within minutes, word of the missing women had
reached the LaSalle County Sheriff’s office and Sheriff Ray Eutsey began
organizing search parties to look for the women. He accompanied one of the
groups that left immediately for the park.
Danley, a local newspaper reporter, was just finishing his last story for the
day’s edition when he got a tip about the disappearances. Grabbing a camera, he
braved the snow-packed roads and headed for the park. When Danley reached the
park’s west entrance, he noticed a boy running across an icy ravine toward the
road. He drove to a small parking area and found several other youths, shouting
that bodies had been found on one of the trails. Danley recognized the boys as
members of the nearby Illinois Youth Commission Forestry Camp, where he had
once led an Explorer Post, and he pulled them aside to a nearby storage garage
for some questions. When they told him of the bodies, he called the lodge,
where law enforcement officials had gathered, and then called the newspaper to
report the discovery. In a matter of minutes, the story was flashing across
news wires around the country.
was among those who entered St. Louis Canyon and got the first look at the
bodies. The three mutilated women were lying side-by-side, partially covered
with snow. They were on their backs, under a small ledge, and their lower
clothing had been torn away and their legs spread open. Each of them had been
beaten viciously about the head and two of the bodies were tied together with
heavy white twine. They were covered with blood and their exposed legs were
blackened with bruises.
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Recovering the bodies from the depths of the
canyon was a major undertaking in the snow.
Police detectives soon arrived and began a search of the immediate area. Except
for the floor of the overhang where the bodies were found, the entire canyon
was covered in nearly six inches of snow. The fine, white powder had to be carefully
removed and as it was, signs of a violent struggle were revealed. Mrs. Murphy’s
camera was found about ten feet from the victims. Its leather case was smeared
with blood and its strap was broken. They also found the women’s bloody
binoculars. A short distance away, LaSalle County’s States Attorney Harland
Warren stumbled across a frozen tree limb that was streaked with blood. The
snow beneath it was covered with blood and it was realized that this was likely
the murder weapon. A trail of gore also led them to speculate that the women
had been killed deeper in the canyon and then their bodies had been dragged and
positioned under the rock ledge. The bodies remained in place for hours, until
pathologists and state crime lab officials could arrive. The vigil lasted long
into the night and then, aided by lanterns and flashlights, the victims were
removed on cloth stretchers.
bodies were taken to the Hulse Funeral Home in Ottawa, where they were examined
and autopsied. The women had obviously been molested, but the cold, and
limitations of medical techniques at the time, failed to find any evidence of
rape. The doctors were able to determine the time of death, placing it shortly
after they had enjoyed lunch at the lodge. No motive was suggested for the murders
but robbery was dismissed, as the women had left their money and jewelry behind
in their rooms when they went for their afternoon hike.
investigation went nowhere, almost from the start. There were few clues to
follow and theories began to grow wilder and wilder. Things were further
confused by all of those who wanted to maintain jurisdiction in the case.
State’s Attorney Warren, a hard-working and respected official, was technically
in charge but the state police maintained their authority in the case because
the murders were committed on park property. The two law enforcement camps
clashed but Warren was in a bind. He was forced to deal with the state
authorities because the officials in LaSalle County simply had no experience
dealing with crimes of this manner.
As the
investigation slowly moved forward, fear was gripping the region. Doors that
were never locked before were now firmly secured. Hardware stores experienced a
run on new dead bolts and sporting goods stores saw guns vanish from their cases
at an alarming rate. The number of overnight guests at the Starved Rock Lodge
dropped off to almost nothing and some motorists went miles out of their way to
avoid driving near the canyon entrance. Newspapers and radio broadcasters
around the state widely reported the slow progress of the investigation and
elevated the level of panic in the area.
continued newspaper scrutiny of the case kept pressure on police officials to
make progress, especially at Harland Warren’s county office. He was doing everything
in his power to move the investigation forward, but he had a hard time coping
with the pressure, especially during an election year. Money was becoming a
problem as well, since the investigation budget was soaring. Throughout 1960,
he was under ever-increasing pressure to solve the murders. Frustrated, he felt
that he had taken enough criticism for the investigation. He was an attorney,
not a detective, but he decided to take one last desperate run at the case. He
asked himself what the killer had left behind at the scene of the crime and the
obvious answer was the twine that he had used to bind two of the victims.
his own money, Warren purchased a microscope and began intently conducting a
study of the twine. Research revealed that there were two kinds of twine used,
a 20-ply cord and a 12-ply one. With this information in hand, he sought out
help to follow the lead. Instead of choosing someone from his staff, he
handpicked two county detectives who would report to him alone. The two men were
deputies Bill Dummett and Wayne Hess. They were both trustworthy and
intelligent and would not leak the details of what Warren was doing to the
men chose the most logical place to start the search for the source of the
twine, which was Starved Rock Lodge. In September 1960, Warren and his deputies
met with the manager of the lodge’s kitchen. Within minutes and without much
difficulty, Warren found both kinds of twine used in the murder. They were each
used for wrapping food and Dummett and Hess, using lodge purchasing records,
soon tracked down the twine’s manufacturer. The twine used to bind the murder
victims had been taken, without question, from the supply in the lodge’s
kitchen. Just as Warren had always suspected, the killer either worked at, or
had access to, the park’s lodge.
with the fact that all of the lodge employees had been given polygraph tests,
and had passed, Warren now had to wonder if the tests had been accurate. He
boldly decided that it was time to run some of his own tests. Hiring a
specialist for a prominent Chicago firm, Warren recalled all of the employees
who had worked during the week of the murder. One by one, they came to a small
cabin located near the lodge and again submitted to an exam. The first dozen or
so were quickly cleared and Warren and the deputies wondered if they might be
wasting their time. Then Bill Dummett brought in a former dishwasher named
Chester Otto Weger and everything changed.
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Chester Weger stepping out of a car.
Weger’s polygraph test was completed, Warren noticed that the examiner’s face
had gone pale. As soon as Weger left the cabin, the technician ended months of
endless leads and wasted time. He turned to Warren and the two deputies and
quietly stated, “That’s your man.”
twenty-one, was a slight, small man with a wife and two young children. He had
worked at the park until that summer, when he resigned to go into business with
his father as a house painter. Dummett remembered the man’s name from an
earlier police report, but he had never made much of an impression on the
investigators. Warren intensified the investigation of the man and strangely,
Weger happily cooperated with him. He surrendered a piece of a buckskin jacket
that he owned so that some suspicious “dark stains” on it could be examined. It
later turned out to be human blood, but in 1960, it could not be typed and
matched to a specific victim. Warren also asked Weger to submit to further
polygraph tests and again, Weger agreed. He was given an entire series of tests
and he failed all of them.
the jacket was determined to be stained with blood, Warren put the former
dishwasher under constant surveillance by the state police. Warren, along with
Dummett and Weger, began checking into Weger’s past and also into similar
crimes in the area, which might have escalated into murder. Dummett came across
a reported rape and robbery that took place about a mile from Starved Rock in
1959. With Warren’s approval, he approached the young female victim with a
stack of mug shots. As she slowly sorted through them, she began to scream as
she came across the face of Chester Weger.
this positive identification, Warren could have easily have ordered Weger
arrested, but he was forced to wait. A new problem had reared its ugly
head. With all of time and energy
involved in the investigation, Warren had worked very little on his campaign
for re-election. If he booked Weger on rape and murder charges before the
election, defense attorneys would simply say that he had done so as a stunt to
retain his job. He left Weger under surveillance, not wanting to jeopardize the
case against him with the election. Confident of his record of cleaning
gambling and prostitution out of LaSalle County during his eight years in
office, Warren let his past actions speak for themselves. Unfortunately, his
opponent let the “bungling” of the Starved Rock murder case speak for him. Out
of 60,000 votes case in the election, Warren lost by nearly 3,500.
by the election results, Warren still had time in office to pursue the case
against Weger. Although his evidence was not as strong as he would have liked,
he obtained an arrest warrant against Weger for the 1959 rape and ordered Hess
and Dummett to pick him up. He believed that when he saw all of the evidence
mounting against him, Weger would confess to the crime – and to the Starved
Rock murders.
made careful plans with his two deputies about how to interrogate Weger before
confronting him with murder charges. A short time later, Hess and Dummett
arrived at the young man’s apartment and explained that they had some more
questions for him. They made no mention of the arrest warrants that were
waiting at the courthouse. Once they had him in custody, the officers began to
question him about the rape and also began to press him about the murders. They
kept him in the interrogation room until past midnight and then finally, weary
of questions and nearly exhausted, Weger stopped in mid-sentence and asked to
see his family. A police car was dispatched to his parents’ home in Oglesby and
his mother and father were brought to the courthouse. Dummett and Hess gave
them a few minutes alone with their son.
In his
official statement, which was taken the next day, Deputy Hess stated, “When
Bill stepped out of the back room in the states attorney’s office to show Mr.
and Mrs. Weger to the door so they could go home, I could see that something
was bothering Chester. I said ‘Chester, why don’t you tell me about it? There
are just the two of us here… just tell me about it.’ He said, ‘All right. I did
it. I got scared. I tried to grab their pocketbook, they fought and I hit
them.’ The pocketbook that Weger claimed that he tried to take was actually
Mrs. Murphy’s camera.
later, the confession was transcribed and signed by Weger. During the
confession, when he was asked why he had dragged the bodies under the overhang
in St. Louis Canyon, Weger said that he had spotted a small airplane flying low
over the park. Weger said that he was afraid that it was a state police plane
so he moved the bodies so that they could not be seen from above. A few days
later, the flight over the park was confirmed by the pilot’s testimony and log
confessed several more times to the murders over the next few days and even
reenacted the killings for a crowd of policemen and reporters at the canyon.
Then suddenly, after his first meeting with his court-appointed attorney, Weger
changed his story and stated that he was innocent of all of the charges. Weger
claimed that Dummett and Hess had coerced a confession from him by threatening
him with a gun. He had lied in his confession, but had been so scared that he
signed the papers anyway. Weger also said that Dummett had fed him the
information about the airplane. He claimed to be in Oglesby at the time of the
was brought to trial. Jury selection took almost two weeks and the trial began
on January 20, 1961. The new state’s attorney, Robert E. Richardson, was in
charge of the prosecution and was assisted by Anthony Raccuglia. The trial,
which gained national attention, was presided over by Judge Leonard Hoffman and
because the two prosecutors had never tried a murder case before, he suggested
that Harland Warren be named as a special prosecutor for this case only.
Richardson, who had strongly criticized Warren during the election, dismissed the
idea. Richardson and Raccuglia decided to file charges against Weger for only
one of the three murders. The reason for this was that in the event of a
mistrial or an acquittal, they could still file charges against him for the
other killings. They sought the death penalty in the case.
March 4, almost exactly a year after the murders, the jury brought back a
guilty verdict for Chester Weger. On the day of his twenty-second birthday, he
was sentenced to a term of life imprisonment. After Judge Hoffman dismissed the
jurors, reporters asked them if they knew that a life sentence in Illinois
meant that Weger would be eligible for parole in a few years. Most of the
jurors were shocked -– they had no idea. Some of them even said that if they
had known that Weger was not really being sent away for the rest of his life,
they would have voted for the electric chair. A lack of knowledge of Illinois
law, and the prosecutor’s failure to properly instruct the jury, ended up
saving Weger’s life.
Weger was incarcerated at the Statesville Penitentiary in Joliet and remains in
prison today at the Illinois River Correctional Center in Canton. Weger has
been denied parole two dozen times since 1972 and most feel that he belongs
securely behind bars.
in the minds of some people, there are questions about the case that remain
unanswered. Many feel that the evidence that was used to convict Weger would
not stand up in court today. His prosecution largely turned out to be based on
his confession, which pre-dated Miranda warnings that are required today.
Others question how a small, slight man like Weger could have overpowered the
three middle-aged women, and then moved their bodies by himself to leave them
hidden under the rock overhang.
who believe in Weger’s innocence point to a “deathbed confession” that
allegedly occurred in 1982 or 1983. A Chicago police sergeant named Mark Gibson
submitted an affidavit in 2006 that recounted the confession. It was being used
in court to support a motion for new DNA tests in the Starved Rock murder case.
In the affidavit, Gibson stated that he and his partner, now deceased, were
called to Rush–St. Luke’s Presbyterian Hospital to see a terminally-ill patient
who wanted to “clear her conscience.
affidavit stated, “The woman was lying in a hospital bed. I went over toward
her, and she grabbed hold of my hand. She indicated that when she was younger,
she had been with her friends at a state park when something happened.”
woman then told Gibson that she was at a park in Utica and things “got out of
hand,” multiple victims were killed and “they dragged the bodies.”
said that the woman’s daughters cut the interview short, shouting that their
mother was “out of her mind” and ordering the police from the room. In the
affidavit, Gibson did not provide the exact date of the interview, or the
woman’s name, but said he passed the information along to a detective. The
affidavit did not address whether or not there was any follow-up or why the
confession was not presented until 2006. The alleged “confession” was not
allowed into the court hearings, although new DNA tests were ordered. However,
they failed to clear Weger of anything because the samples had been corrupted
over the years.
these attempts for release failed, a clemency petition was sent to Governor Rod
Blagojevich, but it was denied in June 2007.
this day, Chester Weger continues to maintain that he was framed for the
murders by Deputies Dummett and Hess. But both of the deputies, until the day
each of them died, insisted that Weger had confessed. They firmly believed that
he had committed the murders and had been the perpetrator of one of the most
heinous acts in the already-bloody history of Starved Rock.
The story of the Starved Rock Murders and
other crime and haunting stories around the state can be found in my book
BLOODY ILLINOIS, which is available autographed on the website or as a Kindle
Another great story from Troy . Please keep them coming .
ReplyDeleteHave you ever considered making movie's from these great stories ?
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