America’s First Paranormal Reality Show
In February
1958, strange things were happening on Long Island. A house belonging to a
family named Herrmann was being beset by strange and inexplicable incidents
that were attributed to a ghost who was dubbed “Popper” (for reasons that will
soon become obvious). But what was really happening in the house? Was it an
unseen force from beyond -- or was it something else? On this date, February
26, Popper even got the attention of researchers from J.B. Rhine’s famous
parapsychology lab at Duke University, but they came no closer to solving the
mystery than anyone else.
“Popper” case remains unique in the annals of the supernatural for a variety of
reasons, not the least of which is the fact that this became the first haunting
that was actually shown on television. Wide-eyed audiences all across the
country stared at their television screens in amazement as Popper literally
performed for the cameras. These films became the ghost’s claim to fame, but
were only a small part of the weird happenings!
The Herrmann family became the reluctant
stars of America’s first paranormal reality TV show
first made himself known at around 3:30 in the afternoon of February 3, 1958.
The James Herrmann family lived in Seaford, New York, a suburb on Long Island,
about 30 miles from New York City. Their white and green ranch-style home at
1648 Redwood Path had been built in 1953 and contained three bedrooms, a
bathroom, a kitchen, a small dining room, a living room and a basement that was
divided between a utility room and a playroom. In other words, it was a typical
1950s-era home in a quiet, conservative neighborhood with public parks and
tree-lined streets. It was the last place that you would expect anything out of
the ordinary to occur.
February 3 was a day like most any other. It was clear and cold outside and
Lucille Herrmann, a registered nurse, was there to welcome her children home
from school and to prepare dinner. The children were Lucille, 13, and James,
12, two ordinary kids with ordinary interests. Their ordinary world, however,
was about to change.
after the children entered the kitchen, chaos erupted in the house. In a matter
of moments, various bottles containing liquid in different rooms of the house
suddenly began to pop their caps and dance around. No one saw the bottles move
or explode, but all of them heard the caps as they popped loose and the
bottles’ contents went spewing into the air.
would later discover an opened bottle of bleach in the basement utility room, a
bottle of liquid starch in the kitchen, bottles of shampoo and medicine in the
bathroom and a bottle of holy water that had opened in the master bedroom and
was lying on its side with the contents spilled. Each of the bottles had been
sealed with twist-off metal or plastic caps. There were no corks or crimped
caps that might have somehow come loose.
Mrs. Herrmann called her husband, who worked for Air France in New York City,
and reported the strange “popping” sounds they had heard. Herrmann was just as
confused by the incident as his wife was, but since no one had been hurt, he
decided there was no need for him to go home early.
his usual schedule, Herrmann took the train to Long Island and arrived home
just before 7:00 p.m. During his commute, he pondered his wife’s call and was
sure that he had a solution for the mystery. He believed that some sort of
chemical reaction in the products had caused the bottle lids to blow and the
fact that they did so at the same time was merely a coincidence. Perhaps it had
been caused by some sort of excessive humidity in the house? He quickly
investigated the bottles when he arrived home and confessed to being baffled
when he found that they were screw-top lids. How could they have simply popped
excitement over the event having passed, and since nothing more had happened,
the family decided to write the experience off as “just one of those funny
things.” Two uneventful days passed and the popping bottles were almost
on Thursday, once again at about the same time that the Herrmann children came
home from school, another half dozen bottles popped their lids. A bottle of
nail polish burst open, as did a bottle of rubbing alcohol, a bottle of bleach,
detergent, starch and the bottle that contained holy water on Mrs. Herrmann’s
dresser. It was an almost exact repeat performance of February 3.
Friday night, it happened again. Only this time, when the bottles began to pop
open, James Herrmann began to suspect that he knew the culprit responsible for
the multiple containers’ strange behavior. He surmised that his science-loving
son had somehow rigged the bottles to pop in order to scare his family. He
thought that perhaps his son had planted some carbonated capsules inside the
bottles and timed it so that he could get home from school in time to see the
startled expression on his mother’s face.
As he
developed this theory, Herrmann spent the entire weekend secretly observing
Jimmy. He was determined to catch him in the act of tampering with a bottle.
It’s no wonder that he was surprised on Sunday morning, February 9, when
several caps popped off bottles of starch, turpentine and holy water, leaving
the containers rocking back and forth on the shelves. Herrmann had kept a close
eye on Jimmy, so how could the boy have managed to put something inside the
bottles without his father seeing him do it? Feeling baffled and a bit angry,
Herrmann burst into the bathroom, where Jimmy was brushing his teeth, and
accused him of rigging the bottles to pop. The boy vigorously protested his
innocence and as if to prove the point, Herrmann was startled to see a bottle
of medicine suddenly move across the top of the sink and fall into the basin. A
moment later, a bottle of shampoo also slid across the sink and fell with a
thud to the floor.
Jimmy Herrmann, posing with some of the
broken items in the house
skeptical, Herrmann immediately examined the bathroom, searching for hidden
wires or strings. He found nothing and finally realized that there were things
going on in the house that he could not explain. Unsure of what else to do, he
called the Nassau County Police Department and spent the next several minutes
on the phone trying to get Lieutenant E. Richardson, the desk officer who
answered the call, to take him seriously. When he heard the story, Richardson
accused Herrmann of either playing a practical joke or drinking too much, but
he was soon swayed by the earnest tone of the man’s voice. It helped that
Herrmann had a good reputation in the community. Richardson promised to send
someone to investigate.
James Hughes went to the house feeling skeptical and perhaps wondering how he
managed to wind up with the nutcase calls. Within a few minutes, though, he had
changed his mind about the nature of the case when several bottles in the
bathroom popped their lids and fired them in his direction. He quickly
concluded that the Herrmanns did indeed need help.
Joseph Tozzi was assigned to look into the case. He read Hughes’ report of the
incident in the bathroom with interest. While not willing to pass judgment
without actually visiting the scene, he was relatively sure the Herrmanns were
experiencing some natural phenomenon or were simply imagining things. Or, he
noted with the cynicism of a veteran police officer, the popping bottles could
be getting some help a human source.
Detective Joseph Tozzi
February 11, Detective Tozzi began his vigil at the Herrmann house. That same
evening, a perfume atomizer overturned and spilled perfume in the daughter’s
bedroom. There was no one in the room at the time, according to reports. Over
the next few days, the disturbances seemed to center around the bottle of holy
water in the parents’ bedroom. On several occasions, the lid of the bottle
popped off and once, after hearing the distinctive sound, Mr. Herrmann dashed
into the room and found the bottle on the floor. He picked it up and found it
strangely warm to the touch.
that same day, on February 15, the activity took another turn. As the Herrmann
children were watching television in the living room with Marie Murtha, their
middle-aged second cousin, a porcelain figurine on an end table next to the
couch began to wiggle and then shot two feet through the air, making a loud
crashing sound as it landed on the floor. To the amazement of Miss Murtha and
the children, the figurine was unbroken.
this last demonstration, the Herrmanns decided to turn to another source for
comfort and to aid the stumped Detective Tozzi in his investigations. They
contacted Father William McLeod of the Church of St. William the Abbott for
help. As devout Catholics, the Herrmanns believed that the church could help
them where ordinary methods had failed. Father McLeod came to the house and
sprinkled holy water in each of the rooms. Unfortunately, “Popper,” as the
poltergeist came to be called, had decided that he didn’t want to leave.
the two weeks since Popper had made his first appearance in the Herrmann house,
news of the strange happenings had leaked to newspapers, radio and television
reports. The story received a great deal of publicity, even meriting articles
in Time and Life magazines. If the beleaguered family thought that mopping up
spilled liquids and having their possessions broken by an unseen force was bad,
then the onslaught of public attention was worse. During the day, the Herrmann
home was surrounded by reporters, photographers, curiosity-seekers and an
astounding array of television equipment. While the Herrmanns managed to get
used to these intrusions into their lives, they weren’t quite prepared for some
of the strangeness that came with it.
Detective Joseph Tozzi being interviewed on
and telephone calls came every day. Many of them proposed logical solutions,
while others assured the Herrmanns that Martians had landed nearby or that the
problem in the house was the spirit of a long-dead Indian chief or that the
Russians were tunneling under Long Island to invade New York. The Herrmanns
managed to stay patient with everyone, though. They never turned anyone away
and they listened attentively to all the calls and suggestions that came in,
even those who shouted “Repent!” into the telephone at midnight or proclaimed
that “the Sputniks are here!”
of the letters and visitors were less easy to tolerate, however. Letters
arrived in barely intelligible scrawl, condemning the Herrmanns for their sins
and suggesting that they had invited these “tricks of Satan.” Ministers from
all sorts of dubious faiths conducted rituals on the front lawn of the house.
One man in a blue serge suit, who claimed to be a “holy man from Center
Moriches,” (a nearby town on Long Island) knelt in the yard and prayed for 10
minutes. Then he stood and announced: “Everything is all right. You have been
forgiven.” With that, he left -- but “Popper” remained.
not all of the suggestions and attempts to help were so bizarre. One man who
came to the house, Robert Zider, was a physicist from Long Island’s Brookhaven
National Laboratory. He brought a set of dowsing rods with him and went over
the property with them. When he was finished, he stated that he believed there
were underground streams below the house. He thought that the water might be
creating a “freak magnetic field.” Detective Tozzi examined this idea at
length, but a geological survey suggested that the information was inaccurate.
case file grew thicker and thicker with added notes, observations, research and
facts that he collected. At one point, he had been walking down the basement
stairs with Jimmy Herrmann when a bronze statue of a horse weighing nearly 100
pounds flew across the basement and hit the detective in the legs. Jimmy had
been nowhere near the statue and no one else was down there. How had it
happened? Tozzi had absolutely no idea.
He had
checked with the Air Force and after studying their flight plans, they had told
him that sonic booms from passing jets could not have caused the disturbances.
He also ruled out radio waves by contacting the Radio Corporation of America
(RCA). The Long Island Lighting Company had set up a delicate oscilloscope in
the basement, but they had detected no underground vibrations. Building
inspectors from the town of Hempstead pronounced the house structurally sound.
The Seaford Fire Department even inspected a well on the property to see if
changes in the water level could be causing the disturbances. However, they
found that the water level had been stable for at least five years. Although
puzzled, Tozzi remained determined and he tried valiantly to discover a source
for the happenings.
finally found hope in a letter from a woman named Helen Connolly of Revere,
Massachusetts. She wrote that she had experienced odd events in her living
room, where chairs and furniture moved about. She didn’t have a ghost in her
house, but rather a heavy downdraft through her fireplace. When capped with a
rotary metal turbine, the flying tables and chairs ceased to fly. Mr. Herrmann
immediately had one installed on his own chimney, convinced that the
strangeness was finally coming to an end.
that wasn’t meant to be.... No sooner had the workmen completed the
installation than a porcelain figurine launched itself from a table and smashed
against a desk. The figurine had managed to travel a distance of more than 12
feet. It left a dent on the wood that was broadcast to television audiences all
over the New York metropolitan area.
February 20, events became even more violent. Another figurine was smashed
against the desk, a bottle of ink popped its screw cap, then sailed into the
air and splashed its contents on the wall and a sugar bowl flew off the table
under the watch of Detective Tozzi. It had been close to Jimmy but not within
his reach. Needing a break, the Herrmann family spent the night with a
relative. Tozzi stayed in the house, but the rest of the night passed without
incident. When the family returned the next evening, though, the sugar bowl
again flew from the table and this time, it shattered into pieces.
February 24, Tozzi was startled to his feet by the sound of a loud noise from
Jimmy’s room. No one had been in the room or near it, yet a large bookcase had
managed to fall facedown onto the floor. The next night, while Jimmy was in the
room doing his homework, his record player lifted and moved 15 feet across the
room. A small statue of the Virgin Mary flew more than 12 feet and struck a
mirror frame in the master bedroom. A bookcase filled with encyclopedias was
upended. A heavy glass centerpiece from the dining room table flew up and stuck
a cupboard, chipping away a piece of molding before falling to the floor. A
world globe shot down the hallway from Jimmy’s room and just missed Detective
Tozzi. A newspaper photographer named John Gold from the London Evening News witnessed his flashbulbs lift off a table and
fly through the air to strike a wall. In addition, Popper had begun knocking on
the walls to get attention, although no attempts to “communicate” with the
ghost (if indeed it was a ghost) were ever made.
had become concerned about the new violence in the disruptions. Until that
point, the activity had been limited to popping bottle tops. He had explored
every possible explanation that he could come up with and while he was not
prepared to say the house was haunted, he was all out of fresh ideas. About
this same time, the staff of scientists at the Parapsychology Laboratory at
Duke University, North Carolina, became interested in the events reported in
the Herrmann home. This group of researchers, under the leadership of Dr. J.B.
Rhine, had already compiled a mass of evidence that supported the idea that
certain people, under the right circumstances, could influence the behavior of
objects without touching them. They called it psychokinesis, or PK.
As the
disturbances at the home continued (and in fact, increased) Dr. Rhine’s
assistant, Dr. J. Gaither Pratt, traveled to New York and arrived at the
Herrmann house on February 26. Pratt believed that someone in the house was unknowingly
causing the strange incidents to occur. Meanwhile, other researchers came to
believe that the incidents in the house were being caused by an actual ghost, a
poltergeist, or “noisy spirit.” These prankster ghosts traditionally targeted
religious items, as the disturbances had done with the holy water and the
Virgin Mary statue in the Herrmann house.
On the
other hand, strong evidence remained for the idea that there was a human
component behind the haunting. It had been noted by the Duke researchers that
an adolescent child, usually a girl, was almost always among the members of the
household being plagued by poltergeist phenomena. They believed it was possible
that this young person might be capable of psychokinesis during the height of
puberty. In every case, though, the young person might be unaware that she or
he was unconsciously causing the events to happen, making them as bewildered as
the adults around them. In the case of the Herrmann house, Jimmy (according to
Detective Tozzi’s notes) was at or near the scene of the poltergeist
disturbances more than 75 percent of the time. For many incidents, he was the
sole witness. However, the detective had cleared the boy of deliberately
causing any of the disturbances.
the others who came before him, Dr. Pratt was welcomed into the Herrmann
residence and greeted warmly. He explained that he had come as an observer and
he spent most of the time there chatting with Jimmy, playing cards with him,
helping him with his homework and generally just being around the young man.
There was no sign of strangeness during the visit. Popper was absolutely quiet.
then summoned another colleague from North Carolina, William G. Roll. Together,
they interviewed the family members and were convinced that none of them were
perpetrating a hoax. “The family was much too shaken for it to be a colossal
hoax,” Pratt told a United Press reporter.
were quiet for the next several days, as though the poltergeist did not want to
perform for the scientists. Then, on March 2, one month after Popper first
arrived, he decided to make himself known again. All of the Herrmanns were in
the house to witness what took place. First, a dish vaulted from a kitchen
cabinet and shattered on the floor. Then, a night table flipped over in Jimmy’s
room. Popper was back and yet there was still no explanation as to who, or
what, he was. Two days later, a bowl of flowers slid down the dining room table
and jumped into the air. A bookcase turned end over end in the cellar.
this would not be Popper’s farewell performance. That event would occur on
March 10 while Mrs. Herrmann, Jimmy, and Lucille were getting ready for bed
(James Herrmann was away on business). Pratt and Roll suddenly heard a loud
popping sound in the cellar and they hurried downstairs to see what it was.
They found that a bleach bottle, sitting in a cardboard box, had somehow lost
its plastic lid.
reasons unknown, this became the last act of the Herrmann family poltergeist.
There had been a record of 67 recorded disturbances between February 3 and
March 10. The Herrmanns had been visited by detectives, building inspectors,
electricians, plumbers, firemen, parapsychologists and half of the “nutcases”
on the East Coast and yet none of them had been able to present a satisfactory
explanation for what had occurred in their home.
after the household returned to normal, “experts” still came to investigate and
to theorize about what had taken place. As late as August 1958, the scientists
at Duke still had no clue as to what had happened and why. By this time, the
Herrmanns had had enough of investigations and just wanted their lives to get
back to normal. James Herrmann no longer cared why the disturbances had taken
place, he was just happy they were over. Mrs. Herrmann told an Associated Press
reporter: “I don’t think there is a definite solution. It was just one of those
things with no rhyme or reason to it. But there was a definite physical force
behind it.”
did happen at the Herrmann house on Long Island? No one really knows. “Popper”
the Poltergeist, and the strange incidents that followed in his wake, is just
as puzzling today as “he” was in 1958.